The Content Marketing Blog
Apr 21, 2014


A few weeks ago, Sephora launched their Beauty Board experience on their website,, built leveraging Thismoment’s platform.

It’s a bold move by a bold and innovative company, who is early to the realization that user generated content (UGC) has value beyond the casual entertainment of looking at selfies for the sheer shock value.

Other companies, many of whom are our customers, are leveraging UGC in strategic ways as well. Levi’s asked brand loyalists to send in their visual interpretations of the 501 Jean, to change perception with millennials. [...]

The recent news about Katherine Heigl suing Duane Reade -- for repurposing a photo that celebrity paparazzi site Just Jared took of her walking out of a Duane Reade store -- highlights an important lesson for brand marketers when it comes to content and social media: images found on the internet may not always fair game for brand marketing.

User-generated content, or “UGC” for short, which has proliferated with the ubiquity of smart phones -- whether in text, picture or video format – is at the heart of many prominent marketing campaigns today.

Technology platforms help marketers identify UGC through both search and hashtags, which function as signals in order for users to find and follow other users or topics of similar interest.

The use of hashtags in Superbowl commercials since 2011 has had a staggering 38X growth in popularity. Brands are listening and discovering the impact that incorporating UGC into their marketing strategies can have. [...]

Apr 10, 2014

As you may have read, an extremely serious bug nicknamed Heartbleed was found in how data is encrypted in transit on the Internet this week.  The Heartbleed Bug affects the OpenSSL framework which is used by many websites to privately send data to and from an Internet server.

Some estimate that as much as 66% of Internet traffic is potentially vulnerable to this bug.

We want you to know that we’ve made Thismoment’s platform completely safe from Heartbleed, and this is how we’ve kept your data safe and sound:

  • As soon as we were made aware of Heartbleed, we started researching the details of the bug, what parts of our platform were affected and how we needed to patch our servers.

  • We deployed the updated OpenSSL libraries to our entire fleet of servers.

  • We have updated our Amazon image used for starting up new servers to include the patch.

  • We are in the process of renewing all of our SSL certificates along with any custom domain certificates on your behalf.  This will be done by the end of this week.

  • We logged out all users to ensure that everyone would create new, secure connections.

  • To be as safe as possible we also suggest you change your password. [...]

"Marketers have much to gain by including sales in the content marketing mix. Get to it!"
—Marc Cowlin
"Emotional posts drive an average reaction rate of 0.5%, which is more than double that of informational posts... "
—Jason Falls
Apr 2, 2014

Enchanting. Wild.

Passionate. And maybe a little bit sloppy. [...]

Mar 27, 2014

As an avid gamer and social media cynic I was understandably troubled when I saw that Facebook had purchased Oculus VR, the company developing the most promising consumer virtual reality headset yet. It felt like the rich kid on the block rode his ATV over and ran over the fort I’d spent the summer building.

Why would Facebook, a company whose contribution to games has been turning them into psychological mind traps designed to wrench a stay-at-home mom’s savings $.99 cents at a time want to wade into the sequestered world of “hardcore” gaming? In short: [...]

Ignite Your Sales with Content on Demand
Equip your sales reps to deliver exactly the right content to the right customer on the right device, at the exact time it's needed.
Mar 4, 2014

  Never before have brands had so much creative marketing opportunity at their fingertips, but faced so many challenges at the same time.

Driven by powerful social, mobile and content marketing trends, brand strategies are evolving. The mission remains the same: [...]

Jan 7, 2014

It’s a new year and that usually means it’s time to bat around predictions for the coming year. So, I’d like to add one prediction for the future of digital technology in 2014.

In short, “cards” are the future.

I stumbled on Paul Adam’s blog post about digital content cards and completely agree that cards are the future. Why? [...]

"A UGC hashtag campaign without ROI is indeed DOA!"
—Dan Kimball