Social Brand Management
The Community Manager has been completely overhauled, with many improvements added (and many more to come!). Here’s a look at the key features we’ve added:
More Linked Account Capabilities All of the following may now be linked and published to from the Community Manager.
- Facebook Pages
- Facebook Profiles
- Twitter Accounts
- LinkedIn Profiles
- LinkedIn Groups
- LinkedIn Company Pages

Account Permissions Once an account is linked, permissions to post to each account may be granted on an individual basis to all users of the DEC.

Creating a New Post When creating a new post, you’ll have the option to send the same message to Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, or to customize your message for each distribution point. You may also target Facebook Regions and Languages, and schedule a post to go out at a specific day and time.

Automated Alerts When a new post is created through the Social Brand Manager, CMS Users may opt to receive email updates on a regular schedule regarding activity on that post.

Advanced Tagging and Filtering of Posts To aid in the internal tracking and response workflow for our customers, we’ve added per post stars and tagging to make it easy to track and filter a variety of social posts.

Social Dashboard An at-a-glance view of your social posts and performance.

My Posts A comprehensive view of all Posts set, scheduled, or saved as Drafts.

Calendar View all posts scheduled or posted in a handy monthly calendar view.

Reports The Reports tab provides a wide array of key insights from Facebook including Likes, Friends of Fans, Page Views, Unique Visitors, Reach, Demographics, Top 10 page posts, and more.

Bulk Schedule By popular demand, upload a CSV file to generate and schedule posts in bulk from an Excel file.

Approval Workflow Our customers will now have the option of requiring specific CMS users to approve new posts created in the CMS before they are posted live for the world at large. If a user needs to approve a new post, he or she will receive an email regarding the post.

Sample Approval Email:
